Message from the Principal

Congratulations on your decision to study at the Sydney Art School.   

The use of images to communicate and connect with people of all ages and cultures has become increasingly important in the world that we live and work in.   As a result, training in the Visual Arts provides cognitive skills relevant not only to artists but of benefit to people from all walks of life.   

Sydney Art School has a reputation for training students to the highest standards in drawing, painting and silversmithing. I am of the firm belief that these skills provide the essential foundation that enables you as an artist to develop their own signature style and then explore ways to communicate your messages with your audience.

The School is committed to providing  high quality vocational education and training programs. As a student you will have the opportunity to learn new skills, upgrade existing skills and obtain Nationally Recognised Qualifications.  The School offers a range of professional development courses and registered training at Certificate and Diploma levels.

Courses are delivered in face-to-face Studio Sessions with flexible attendance options and dedicated tutor support.  Studio sessions are limited to group sizes of 8 to 12 students. This enables one on one interaction with your tutor as well as fostering a collegiate environment where students can interact and share ideas, perspectives and learning experiences.

Our family of tutors bring together some of Australia’s award winning artists with professional art practitioners and educators. Your tutor’s role is to give “in studio” instruction on techniques combined with personal feedback to help develop your technical and professional skills as an artist.For Certificate and Diploma level students will also give you guidance on how to complete your assessment tasks.  

I wish you every success as you embark on your journey as a visual artist.